Day Two of Seminar Four was the day we all have been waiting for to finally meet some of our fellow MARL Class XI Classmates. The Seminar Management Teams (SMT) were meeting together in person, a highly anticipated, one & a half days with a few of our fellow classmates.

Each Team chose a location to meet and started the day with a Zoom meeting. Toby gave a lesson on Leadership Search, the mystery envelops were opened, and each Team member lead one of the lesson steps involving Leadership Search, with our plan in place it was time to “Go!” and practically apply all that we have learned in the previous three seminars.

As the Red SMT Team navigated through the day embracing the quintessential MARL experience, we were genuinely appreciative to have this time together. It was especially significant to have the opportunity to practically implement many of the lessons and techniques we have learned in previous seminars. In the evening we prepared a meal and sat around the dining room table for hours sharing stories, eating great food and reflecting on the day. It was a perfect MARL day.

Submitted by Deborah Mills


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